Alyssa Soebandono's braces got off and swallowed

Alyssa Soebandono's braces got off and swallowed

Alyssa Soebandono who is now wearing braces

Braces usage among teens today it's already become a trend in itself. Just look at the latest appearance petite actress Alyssa Soebandono who is now wearing braces, teeth even though sinetron stars is visible at a glance neat and not any diseased.

The Lips of star 'Alyssa Soebandono'  finally can move freely. Her smile now expands off. Why?

I separated my braces one month feel better off alone. But still, wearing braces or not wearing stirrup (braces) remain really comfortable . "just confidence" Alyssa Soebandono said.

Icha Recognized , has long been part of her lower teeth mounted braces. "The bottom teeth, I put braces since 5 th grade while the top gear since junior high school," icha said.

During that time, many things that must be endured because of wearing braces. Several times her braces got off and swallowed. "If food is stuck, it's really often ," said the woman who was born in Jakarta, December 25, 1991.

Icha Said , Problem release of braces that have for years been installed in the teeth, because he felt his teeth were neatly. "Teeth are under a rather messy. But now it neatly yes I'm off," said icha

There is any other reason, because of the demands of the role. In the latest soap opera, Icha should act as an underprivileged child. "may not fit that role that I played had to wear braces. eventually I select off. Anyway I've neat teeth," Icha said.

see more>>Nia ramadhani with her braces

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